It should come as no surprise to you when I say that I love dogs.  If you have read my blog or followed my Instagram, you have seen dozens of pictures or posts about my furry friends.  I am the proud owner of three pups; Beowulf, Becks, and Schenna; and like any dog owner I love to spoil my little furry babies with their favorite treats.

However, keeping their treats readily available means having a container to keep them easily accessible on the counter.  Now, I will be honest I don’t like to have a cluttered countertop in my kitchen, so the task of finding a treat jar that was both pretty and simplistic was a bit challenging.  When I didn’t find a jar that I liked, I turned to my favorite dog blog Pretty Fluffy for inspiration, and that’s when I found this wonderful tutorial for a DIY Treat Jar.  I have added my own creative touches to their original post, and I am sharing those tips with you today.   Hope you enjoy making your own simple treat jar that will not only keep your pups treat fresh but your countertop stylish.  

Empty Glass Jar, cleaned (I used this one.)
Mod Podge (I used Matte finish.)
Sponge Brush
Glitter (I used Martha Stewart Glitter in Florentine Gold)

1.  Remove lid form the jar and brush a thick layer of Mod Podge along the top and sides of the lid.
2.  Use craft paper or a pie dish on a flat surface during the gluing and glittering steps for easy cleanup.
3.  Sprinkle glitter onto the lid until it is completely coated in glitter.  Let dry for 30 minutes.
4.  Gently shake off the excess glitter from the lid.  Remember to do this over craft paper or in a pie dish to keep the mess down. 
5.  Seal the glitter, by brushing a thin layer of Mod Podge over all glittered parts of the lid.  The sealer will dry clear.  Let sit for 30 minutes.
6.  Once the Mod Podge is dry, be sure the jar is clean and free of glitter and then fill it with treats!

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