GOODBYE 2018, HELLO 2019
It is a few days after New Year’s, and at this time of year I often, like so many of you, find myself reflecting on the year gone by. However, if I am completely honest with all of you 2018 stunk for me and I have even been caught saying to my husband it was the worst year of my life. I know, that’s so dramatic, but I am a theatre teacher after all. Now, I preface this acclamation with the knowledge that many people always it worse than I do, and there is a lot I have to be grateful for: I have my health, a home, and a very supportive husband and two loving parents, but other aspects of my life have just fallen apart.
Losing my job suddenly in April and having to remain at the school till the end of the year was the first big hurdle. I cried every single day and still at times find myself crying about it. I miss my students. I loved each and every one of them and poured my heart and soul into them to help foster in them a love of the arts and creativity. I received no advance warning and don’t understand why my job was eliminated and the program restructured. I guess I ever will know just what happened. Shortly after this event, my car was broken into and when I say everything was taken, I mean everything was taken. Laptops, iPad, planner, pictures, wallet, you get the picture…. Lesson learned—never leave your personal belongings in your car even when it is right in front of your house. This event led to dealing with stolen identity issues from which I am still feeling the repercussions. Over the summer I looked for jobs, and it was a very disheartening search. I lost count of how many times I heard “We have decided to go in a different direction.” I did finally get a new teaching job, which I enjoy, but the pay is much lower than what I was making before, my workload is much larger and the drive is a 90-mile commute each day. To top this off we had two major dog emergencies: Schenna’s leg amputation and Bunker’s reaction to being spayed. Thankfully both dogs are healthy and happy now.
So, why do I bring this all up here on the blog? Well first, I think it is good for me to reflect on what had hurt me this past year, so I can approach this new year with a more positive attitude. My life isn’t perfect, far from it, but Jeff and I are much better off than many, for which we are grateful. Who wants a perfect life anyway–that would so be boring. More importantly, I can approach life’s oncoming trials in a more positive way rather than experiencing another year in a combination of anger, tears, depression, and anxiety, pushing away my family and friends, and in turn making myself more miserable.
Word of The Year
So this year, rather than trying to make a list of New Year’s resolutions which, let’s be honest, I won’t stick to beyond January, I have decided to pick just one word to live by for the year. This word will serve as my reminder as I approach life’s daily situations. Drumroll please . . . my word for 2019 is Positivity.
Here is how I plan to implement positivity into my day-to-day life. 1) Avoid negative self-talk such as “I can’t,” and instead focus on the “I can” accepts of situations. 2) Smile more and be more optimistic–something better always does come along even if sometimes you must be a little patient in waiting for it. 3) In situations where I find myself frustrated, I will identify some aspect that is personally fulfilling. 4) I will surround myself with positive, upbeat people, be nice to others, and always practice thankfulness. 5) Lastly, I will remember I am in charge of my own life and must focus on situations that I can control and forget about those that I can’t or those that I regret.
I plan to hold myself accountable by everyday writing down in my planner three things I am grateful for, by planning personal time for myself where I do things I truly enjoy (like blogging or walking my dogs), and by practicing random acts of kindness—after all, when you do good you feel good.
So, dear friends, I hope that my new year’s word of the year will inspire you to do the same, by coming up with your own “word of the year” to help you deal with life’s ups and downs. And, if you would like to share your word in the comments section below, we can encourage each other and stay advised on our progress.
Happy New Year’s dear friends. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you, and I pray that this year is filled with immense joy, power to overcome challenges, an extension of grace for yourself, and a positive year in whole.