Spring is upon us! Can you believe it? While we have had mid-winter here in Southern California, I know most of you have been snowed in literally, and the coming of spring means time for temperatures to rise and nature to thaw out (I remember winters from living back east for two years). I like spring because of all the cliche saying “April showers, bring May flowers.” To me, spring means a time of fresh starts, fresh air, and vibrate colors. A chance to begin and grow again.
As a teacher, the coming of spring is a reminder that the end of the year is in sight and to finish the school year strong. One way that I overcome the “running out of steam” blues is by planning fun activities throughout the week, so I always have something enjoyable to look forward to. This past weekend Jeff and I compiled our spring bucket list and I am excited to be sharing it with all of you on this first official day of spring!